Follow me as I navigate the world, one step at a time.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

China: And So, My Journey Begins... 3:30am. Yeah, I know that the adrenaline will kick in soon but this is EARLY!! I'm sitting in RDU now, 2 hours ahead of my flight, because I'm generally a rule follower. This flight will take me to LaGuardia, then LaGuardia to Chicago. After that, it's Game On!! Shanghai, here I come.

Last night, I Facetimed with my family for a little while. Along with the general well-wishes, my mom, being a mom and a nurse, made sure I had all the possible medicines that I could need and that i had received the particulate masks she sent me. I think I have 5 pounds of meds in my bag!! I also informed her that I had been religious with consuming Airborne each day for the last week. I bought this "No Jet Lag" homeopathic stuff that I'll try on my flights. I'm not a huge believer in "those" remedies, but I'll try anything to minimize the, fairly certain, jet lag that will accompany my trip.

While I was talking with them, my three and a half year old nephew got on and asked if I was going to come back from China. I assured him that I would. :-) He also asked that I bring him a panda bear. I'll do my best.

After talking with them, I decided to go ahead and "check in" for my flight on my phone, like I typically do. This time however, the screen said "error" and that I needed to check in in person. Well, of course, that made me a little nervous. I went back through all of my emails to confirm that I indeed had a flight and that it was due to leave when I thought it was. I'm certain they took my money so I figured it probably had something to do with the international flight. It turns out that I was correct. The attendant told me that that was standard. In my head I'm thinking, they could have added that bit of information to the error message.

That's it for now. My nerves are definitely higher than normal and last night laying in bed, I could have sworn that I could hear my heart beating outside of my chest. I'm confident that these nerves will be replaced with excitement, with my first, "Ni-Hao!"

--update: I'm actually at my gate now and I read the board that says, "Flight is Overbooked- $250 voucher for later flight." What?!?! First of all, how does this happen. Second of all, how do they decide who gets the boot?? Uh! Fingers crossed.

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